
Pregnant Women Carrying Boys Eat More Than Those Carrying Girls, press release of Friday, June 06, 2003, Harvard School of Public Health

Pregnant Women Carrying Boys Eat More Than Those Carrying Girls, press release of Friday, June 06, 2003, Harvard School of Public Health:

"Rulla Tamimi, lead author and a researcher in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health commented, 'It is widely accepted that on average newborn boys are heavier than newborn girls. The findings give us a better understanding of why that is the case.' "

Some Japanese Money gains and also a little political independence : Paid for by Iraqi Blood

The Japan Times Online:

"A United States representative said Tuesday that the administration of President George W. Bush allowed Japan to invest in a major oil field project in Iran in exchange for its dispatch of Self-Defense Forces troops to Iraq.

'An administration desperate for re-election will take 550 soldiers from Japan, which provide the veneer of international support and credibility for our relations in Iraq, which is the preoccupation of the electorate, and give the green light to $2.8 billion going from Japan to Iran,' said Brad Sherman, a California Democrat.

He was speaking during a hearing of the House International Relations Committee, in reference to an agreement in February between Japan and Iran on an oil development project in Azadegan, southern Iran, one of the world's largest oil fields.

Sherman called Iran 'the nation who is most likely to be the culprit if a nuclear weapon is smuggled into the United States.'
In the hearing, John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, said Sherman's statement was 'absolutely not true.'

The Japan Times: April 1, 2004"


Also: This Yankee MP thinks when he sits under Cezar Bush the lessar in their Neo-Roman Empire , world oil under his ass should spell in synch to his filthy desires !!!

Well, obviously, some Arab strategists (Are there any others around?) should come up with a way to make this Yankee shithead MP find his correct size!

US troops getting luxuries in Iraq

Boston.com / News / World / Settling in for long haul, U.S. military getting comforts of home in Iraq:

Fresh strawberries from California. Stationary biking to the beat of rap music. Free Internet. And within gunsights, indoor basketball courts and maybe some cappuccino bars.

What a difference a year makes.


US troops getting luxuries in Iraq

Boston.com / News / World / Settling in for long haul, U.S. military getting comforts of home in Iraq:

Fresh strawberries from California. Stationary biking to the beat of rap music. Free Internet. And within gunsights, indoor basketball courts and maybe some cappuccino bars.

What a difference a year makes.


A majority of Norwegians want to bring troops home from Iraq: poll

A majority of Norwegians want to bring troops home from Iraq: poll: "The poll, conducted by Visendi for NTB, showed that 51.2 percent of the population wants the government to repatriate the Norwegian soldiers, who are stationed in southeastern Iraq under British command.
Only 32.7 percent of Norwegians said they wanted the troops to stay.
Women were especially opposed to maintaining a Norwegian presence in the war-torn country.
While 60 percent of all women polled said they would prefer that the troops leave, 44.9 percent of men said they were in favor of their removal, while 45.2 percent of men said they thought the troops should stay, according to NTB.
Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, said on Wednesday that he wished that more of the the population agreed with his support for keeping troops in Iraq.
'It is problematic when only three out of ten people support the Norwegian troops' presence in Iraq, but we can't let opinion polls determine what Norway's policy should be in such important foreign policy questions,' he said.
'Norway isn't in Iraq as a part of the occupation forces, but as a part of the stabilizing forces. That's an important difference. We are there to stabilize the situation and to help the Iraqi people with important humanitarian contributions and to help rebuild infrastructure,' Bondevik added.
The Norwegian parliament is set to determine within the next couple of months whether or not the Norwegian troops should stay in Iraq."

US troops getting luxuries in Iraq

Boston.com / News / World / Settling in for long haul, U.S. military getting comforts of home in Iraq:

Fresh strawberries from California. Stationary biking to the beat of rap music. Free Internet. And within gunsights, indoor basketball courts and maybe some cappuccino bars.

What a difference a year makes.


Against one ememy : Zionism in Israel and the USA

A leaflet distributed in Fallujah by a new group, claims responsibility for the 31 March 2004 killing of four US mercenaries in this town, saying it was partial retaliation to the recent assassination of Palestinian Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin by Israel

Down with American occupation and Long live the heoic resistance to occupation in Iraq


Al-Hawza : Locked and Closed by USA




Thousands of Iraqi Shi'ites staged a demonstration in Baghdad's al-Hurriya square on Sunday to protest the closure of al-Hawza newspaper, the mouthpiece for radical Shi'ite leader Muqtada Sadr. They demanded an apology from the Americans for insulting the Shi'ite seminary, and all Iraqis.

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ط§ظ„ظ…طµط¯ط± :ط§ظ„ط¬ط²ظٹط±ط© + ط§ظ„ظپط±ظ†ط³ظٹط©

طµط±ط§ط¹ ظ…ط´ط±ظ‚ظٹ ظ…ط؛ط±ط¨ظٹ !!!

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ظ…ظ‚ط¨ط±ط© ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ†

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