
Human Rights Watch: Quick to condem Iraqis But very Quite on Americans Now!

Human Rights Watch: Background on the Crisis in Iraq

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humanity tortured by sick criminal US occupiers in Abu Gharyb prison speaks loud:

HRW : too much racism needed for you to be so Blind according to the wishes of your commanders in chief.

By supporting the criminal US occupation of Iraq, you condem yourself and your calims to humanity.

HRW : YOU were too Active and Quick to condem the Iraqi resistance for hostage tacking, now you are too Passive and LAZY that your voice in not audible on the henious preverted sick crimes of US Animal Occupiers and what they were doing, under your ears and eyes in Abu Gharyb.

HRW: YOU called Iraqi resistance "isurgents", just like your criminal commanders in chief do.

HRW : in IRAQ, the resistance is resistance, not insurgents, regardless of what you say.


YOU ARE HUMAN RIGHTS INSURGENTS, other wise you should have alarmed the world for the sick sexual preversion of US Occupation Criminals Animals

in Blatant racism that contradicts all their claims to humanity, HRW , just like AMNESTY Internationl, have proved themselves to be nothing but propaganda tools for the west. Human rights issues which should be their top priorites, always, are not at all top priorites in the Iraq under US occupation. Instead, they are mouthing nonesense about their Utopian visions on Iraqi Future. Shamless and lazy, now they sit, as if they were not the very carinivores that shed Saddam to shreds in campaign after campaign under the name of human rights. Now they set obedient, silent, claiming to be ignorant, tucking their tails between their legs like guilty dogs caught in the act.

The act: HRW blindness and not seeing or knowing the horrible torture, the sick sadistic sexual crimes, the US Occupation animalistic face, the crimes, against humanity in Abu Ghrayb.


Listen to them all now speaking about China and North Koria, and you get one thing in your mind, those people are actually prostituting their humanity. Behaving more like prostitutes, rather than guradians of any moral or human values.

Protesters seize San Salvador's cathedral, demand troops be withdrawn from Iraq

CBS 2: World Wire: "SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) Masked demonstrators who stormed the main cathedral in El Salvador's capital demanded the country's new president withdraw troops from Iraq and rehire dozens of fired government employees."

In The International Sex Brothel - Thailand

Shattered mosque walls, bloodied Qurans : Reminders of Thailand's masacre against Muslims

Shattered mosque walls, bloodied Quran reminders of Thailand's day of violence:

A heap of bodies in a bullet-scarred mosque attested to a sharp and sudden upsurge of anti-muslim violence this last Wednesday in Thailand's Muslim south. While the prime minister said the issues were strictly local, some tied the clashes to the country's support for the war in Iraq. Police said they shot and killed 107 Islamic fighters -- including 32 inside the mosque

The Few, the Proud v.s. The Cowards

N. Korea Nuclear Estimate To Rise (washingtonpost.com): "U.S. Report to Say Country Has At Least 8 Bombs"


Friends & Sympathisers of Islamists are in risk of imprisonment in Britain

Now Blunkett plans to jail friends of terrorist suspects

Gaby Hinsliff and Martin Bright
Sunday April 11, 2004
The Observer

Sympathisers with extremist Islamic groups will risk jail under controversial plans to make merely associating with a suspected terrorist a crime.
The move is aimed at stopping those now floating on the fringes of terrorist cells from being sucked further in. It reflects serious concern - both within government and among the moderate Muslim community - about how to tackle disaffected young men attracted by the teachings of fundamentalists, or by British mosques identified as recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda activists.

But it will be highly controversial among civil liberties campaigners, since it would allow people who have committed no crime to be dragged before the courts in a 'guilt-by-association' culture.

Liberal Democrats also warned last night that it could backfire among British Muslims if it led to young men being arrested for little more than mixing with people at their mosque.
'We are targeting support networks, the things that enable terrorism to be perpetrated by other people,' said a source close to the Home Secretary, David Blunkett. 'It is intended to deter people from hanging around the fringes of undesirables.'

Blunkett's plans are modelled on the French offence of 'associating with a wrongdoer', which was brought in to tackle Algerian terrorism, under which people can be held for up to 92 hours without charge.

The case against them is then compiled by a juge d'instruction - investigative judge - who could be cleared to see intelligence reports, a system Blunkett also favours: it has a high conviction rate.

The French investigative judge Jean-Louis Bruguiأ¨re, nicknamed 'The Sheriff', not only uncovered an al-Qaeda plot to blow up the United States embassy in Paris shortly before the World Trade Centre attack, but also provided a detailed picture of a European terror network, linked to al-Qaeda, stretching throughout France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Britain. Paradoxically, many of the North Africans he targeted moved on to the UK as a result.

Under Blunkett's plans, 'associates' of terrorists would initially face a civil court order - like the anti-social behaviour orders slapped on unruly teenagers - banning individuals from contact with named terror suspects. This would be intended as a deterrent: disobedience would become an offence punishable by jail.

'Association' could cover not only meeting in person, but communicating via email or telephone, or even fundraising: sources close to the Home Secretary said, however, there would have to be evidence of some suspicious intent, rather than merely socialising.
There has been alarm in security circles that, despite lessons learnt post-9/11 about tracking connections between the loosely affiliated terror cells making up al-Qaeda, neither British nor Spanish intelligence services managed to prevent the Madrid bombing.

Mark Oaten, the Lib Dem home affairs spokesman, said he appreciated Blunkett's difficult 'juggling act' over terrorism, but added: 'This particular measure could backfire by alienating the Muslim community. It could lead to individuals being questioned if they had been to somebody's house or a religious festival or something where there were suspects. It could cause all sorts of tensions.'

Natalia Garcia, solicitor for two terror suspects currently being held in Woodhill prison, Milton Keynes, said the French system had already produced severe miscarriages of justice: 'As judges link one person to another, the process becomes completely circular. It is guilt by association.'

A report by the International Federation for Human Rights into a spate of anti-terrorist cases involving Algerians in the late Nineties concluded that the French system violated the European Convention on Human Rights, adding that it had 'inflicted grave, often irreparable damage on their victims'.

French juges d'instruction also have a reputation for agonisingly slow, bureaucratic investigations.

The debate comes as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, warns in an Easter message today that politicians must tackle the root causes of terrorism, including poverty, rather than just confronting it head on.
'If the Western world were to devote itself in a very real and sacrificial way to helping the two thirds of the world and especially those parts of the world that live in gross poverty, and did it in a way that actually denied themselves, then I think we'd have a more peaceful world,' he will tell GMTV's Sunday programme.

'I think that some of the threat of terrorism comes out of countries that feel that they have not been treated justly. But terrorism itself is a terrible evil.'

The new counter-terrorism measures rushed through after the 11 September attacks must be reviewed in 2006, and Blunkett has already launched a major public debate over what should replace them.