
ط§ط±ظپط¹ ط±ط£ط³ظƒ ظپط£ظ†طھ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط©

طµظ…ظˆط¯ ط£ظ‡ط§ظ„ظٹ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط£ظ…ط§ظ… ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„ ط¬ط¹ظ„ ظ„ظ„ط­ظٹط§ط© ظ…ط¹ظ†ظ‰ ظˆظ„ظ„ظ…ظˆطھ ظ…ط¹ظ†ظ‰ ط¢ط®ط±

ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط§ط¯ظٹ ظˆط£ظ†طھ طھط¯ط®ظ„ ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط© ظ…ظ† ظ…ط¯ظ† ط§ظ„ط¯ظ†ظٹط§ ط§ظ„ظˆط§ط³ط¹ط© ط£ظ† طھظ‚ط±ط£ ط¹ط¨ط§ط±ط© "ط§ط¨طھط³ظ… ظپط£ظ†طھ ظپظٹ ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط©.. " ظ„ظƒظ† ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط§ط¨طھط¯ط¹طھ ظ„ظ†ظپط³ظ‡ط§ ط´ط¹ط§ط±ط§ ط¢ط®ط± ظˆظ‡ظˆ "ط§ط±ظپط¹ ط±ط£ط³ظƒ ظپط£ظ†طھ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط©"طŒ ظˆظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط§ط¯ظٹ ط£ظ† طھط´ط§ظ‡ط¯ ط´ط¹ط§ط±ط§طھ ط£ط®ط±ظ‰ طھظ†ظˆظ‡ ط¨ط±ط¬ط§ظ„ظ‡ط§ ط§ظ„ط°ظٹظ† "ظپط±ط¶ظˆط§ ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ† ط­ط¸ط± ط§ظ„طھط¬ظˆظ„".

ط¯ط®ظ„طھ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ظ…ظپط±ط¯ط§طھ ط§ظ„ط¥ط¹ظ„ط§ظ… ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط¨ظٹ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ظٹظˆظ… ط§ظ„ط°ظٹ ط±ظپط¶طھ ظپظٹظ‡ ط¯ط®ظˆظ„ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ† ط¹ظ†ظˆط© ظˆط¥ظ† ظƒط§ظ†طھ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط© ظ‚ط¯ظٹظ…ط© ط¥ط° ظٹظ‚ظˆظ„ ظ„ط³ط§ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط¨ "ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط©ظڈ ط§ظ„ط£ظژط±ط¶ ط§ظ„ظ…طµظ„ط­ط©ظڈ ظ„ظ„ط²ط±ط¹... ظˆظ…ظ†ظ‡ ط³ظ…ظٹ ظ…ظˆط¶ط¹ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظپط±ط§طھ ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط©ظژ".

ظˆط£ظ‡ظ„ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ظ…ط´ظ‡ظˆط±ظˆظ† ط¨ظ…ط²ط§ط±ط¹ظ‡ظ… ط§ظ„ط®ط§طµط© ظˆط¨ط¹ظ…ظ„ظ‡ظ… ظپظٹ طھط¬ط§ط±ط© ط§ظ„ط£ظ‚ظ…ط´ط© ظ…ط«ظ„ظ…ط§ ظ‡ظ… ظ…ط¹ط±ظˆظپظˆظ† ط¨ط§ظ„طھط¯ظٹظ† ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ط­ط§ظپط¸ط©طŒ ظˆظٹط±ظˆظٹ ط£ط­ط¯ ط£ط¨ظ†ط§ط¦ظ‡ط§ "ط£ظ† طµط¯ط§ظ… ط­ط³ظٹظ† ظ‚طھظ„ ظپظٹ ظ„ظٹظ„ط© ظˆط§ط­ط¯ط© ط¹ط§ظ… 1992 طھط³ط¹ظٹظ† ظ…ظ† ط£ط¨ظ†ط§ط¦ظ‡ط§ ظˆظ‚ط§ظ„ ظ…ط®ط§ط·ط¨ط§ ط´ظٹظˆط® ط§ظ„ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط± ظپظٹظ‡ط§ ط¥ظ†ظ‡ ظ„ظ† ظٹط³ظ…ط­ ط¨ظ†ظ…ظˆ ط§ظ„ط¥ط³ظ„ط§ظ…ظٹظٹظ† ط³ظˆط§ط، ظƒط§ظ†ظˆط§ ط³ظ†ط©طŒ ط£ظˆ ط´ظٹط¹ط©طŒ ط£ظˆ ط£ط¨ظ†ط§ط، ط´ظٹظˆط® ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط±طŒ ط£ظˆ ظپظ„ط§ط­ظٹظ† ظ…ط¹ط¯ظ…ظٹظ†".

ظ‡ط°ط§ ط§ظ„طھط§ط±ظٹط® ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظ…ظˆط§ط¬ظ‡ط© ظ…طھط¬ط°ط± ظپظٹ ط£ظ‡ط§ظ„ظٹ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط§ظ„طھظٹ ظٹط³ظƒظ†ظ‡ط§ ظ‚ط±ط§ط¨ط© 400 ط£ظ„ظپ ظ†ط³ظ…ط©طŒ ظˆط§ظ„ط­ظ‚ظٹظ‚ط© ط£ظ† ظ‡ط°ظ‡ ط§ظ„ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ط© ظƒط¨ط§ظ‚ظٹ ظ…ط­ط§ظپط¸ط© ط§ظ„ط£ظ†ط¨ط§ط± ط°ط§طھ ط¬ط°ظˆط± ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط±ظٹط©طŒ ظˆظٹظ†ط¨ظ‡ ط§ظ„ط¯ظƒطھظˆط± ط¹ط¯ظ†ط§ظ† ظٹط§ط³ظٹظ† ظ…طµط·ظپظ‰ -ظˆظ‡ظˆ ط¹ط§ظ„ظ… ط§ط¬طھظ…ط§ط¹ ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹ ظˆظ…ط­ظ„ظ„ ط³ظٹط§ط³ظٹ- ط¥ظ„ظ‰ ط£ظ† ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹ طھط¹ط§ظ…ظ„ ط¨ط؛ط¨ط§ط، ظ…ط¹ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¤ط³ط³ط© ط§ظ„ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط±ظٹط© ط§ظ„ط¶ط§ط±ط¨ط© ط¨ط¹ظ…ظ‚ ظپظٹ طھط§ط±ظٹط® ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ ظƒظ…ط§ ط£ظ†ظ‡ ظ„ظ… ظٹظپظ‡ظ… ط·ط¨ظٹط¹ط© طھط£ط«ظٹط± ط§ظ„ط¹ظ‚ظٹط¯ط© ظپظٹ ط³ظ„ظˆظƒ ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹ.

ظˆظٹط¹ط²ظˆ ط§ظ„ط¯ظƒطھظˆط± طھطµط±ظپ ط£ظ‡ط§ظ„ظٹ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط¥ظ„ظ‰ "ط£ظ† ط§ظ„ط«ط£ط± ظ…ط¤ط³ط³ط© ط¹ط±ظٹظ‚ط© ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظ†ظپط³ظٹط© ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط¨ظٹط© ظˆط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹط© ط®طµظˆطµط§ ظˆط¨ظ‚ط¯ط± ظ…ط§ طھظ‚طھظ„ ظ‚ظˆط§طھ ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹظٹظ† طھط¬ظ„ط¨ ظ„ظ†ظپط³ظ‡ط§ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط­ط§ظ‚ط¯ظٹظ† ظˆط§ظ„ط£ط¹ط¯ط§ط، ظ…ظ† ظ„ط§ ظٹظ‡ط¯ط£ ظ„ظ‡ ط¨ط§ظ„ ط¥ظ„ط§ ط¨ط§ظ„ط£ط®ط° ط¨ط«ط£ط±ظ‡"طŒ ظˆظٹط¶ظٹظپ ظ„ط°ظ„ظƒ ط±ظپط¶ظ‡ظ… ظ„ظ„ط؛ط±ظٹط¨ ظˆط£ظ†ظپطھظ‡ظ… ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط®ط¶ظˆط¹.

ظٹطھظپظ‚ ظ…ط¹ ظ‡ط°ط§ ط§ظ„ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ ط§ظ„ظ…ط­ظ„ظ„ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹ ط±ظˆط¨ظٹظ† ط¨ط§طھظٹ ط¥ط° ظٹظ‚ظˆظ„ ط¥ظ† ط§ظ„ط¶ط­ط§ظٹط§ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظ†ظٹظٹظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹظٹظ† ط§ظ„ط°ظٹظ† ط³ظ‚ط·ظˆط§ ظپظٹ ط£ط¨ط±ظٹظ„/ ظ†ظٹط³ط§ظ† ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط§ظ… ط§ظ„ظ…ط§ط¶ظٹ "ظ‚ط¯ ط®ظ„ظ‚ظˆط§ ظ…ظˆط¬ط© ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط«ط£ط± ظ„ط§ طھط²ط§ظ„ ظ…طھطµط§ط¹ط¯ط© ط­طھظ‰ ط§ظ„ط¢ظ†.. ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظˆظ† ظٹط¹ظƒط³ظˆظ† ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¬طھظ…ط¹ ظˆط§ظ„طھط§ط±ظٹط® ظˆظ„ط§ ظٹظپظ‡ظ…ظˆظ† ظ‚ظٹظ… ط§ظ„ط¥ظ†ط³ط§ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹ ظˆط«ظ‚ط§ظپطھظ‡".

ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ظٹظˆظ† ط¬ظ†ط­ظˆط§ ظ„ظ„ط³ظ„ظ… ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ط­طھظ„ظˆظ† ط£ط±ط§ط¯ظˆط§ ط§ظ„ط­ط±ط¨ ظپظƒط§ظ† ظ„ظ„ط؛ط²ط§ط© ظ…ط§ ط£ط±ط§ط¯ظˆط§

طھط³ظƒظ† ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط± ط³ظ†ظٹط© ط¹ط±ظٹظ‚ط© ط£ط¨ط±ط²ظ‡ط§ ط§ظ„ط¬ط¨ظˆط± ظˆط§ظ„ط¬ظ…ظٹظ„ط§طھ ظˆط§ظ„ط¨ظˆط¹ظ„ظˆط§ظ† ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ط­ط§ظ…ط¯ط© ظˆط²ظˆط¨ط¹ ظˆط§ظ„ط¨ظˆط¹ظٹط³ظ‰طŒ ظˆظ‡ظٹ طھط¯ظٹظ† ط¨ط§ظ„ظˆظ„ط§ط، ط§ظ„ط³ظٹط§ط³ظٹ ظ„ظ‡ظٹط¦ط© ط¹ظ„ظ…ط§ط، ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ظ„ظ…ظٹظ† ظˆط§ظ„ط­ط²ط¨ ط§ظ„ط¥ط³ظ„ط§ظ…ظٹ ط§ظ„ظ…ظ†ط¨ط«ظ‚ ط¹ظ† ط­ط±ظƒط© ط§ظ„ط¥ط®ظˆط§ظ† ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ظ„ظ…ظٹظ† ظˆظٹظˆط¬ط¯ ط¨ظ‡ط§ ط£ظƒط«ط± ظ…ظ† 80 ظ…ط³ط¬ط¯ط§ ط¬ط§ظ…ط¹ط§.

ظ„ظ… طھط¯ط®ظ„ ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ط© ط§ظ„ط£ظ†ط¨ط§ط± ط§ظ„طھظٹ طھظ‚ط¹ ظپظٹظ‡ط§ ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ظ…ط±ط­ظ„ط© ط§ظ„ظپظˆط¶ظ‰ ظˆط§ظ„ط³ظ„ط¨ ظˆط§ظ„ظ†ظ‡ط¨ ط§ظ„طھظٹ ط¹ظ…طھ ظ…ط¯ظ† ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ ط¨ط¹ط¯ ط¯ط®ظˆظ„ ط§ظ„ظ‚ظˆط§طھ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹط© ط¨ط؛ط¯ط§ط¯ ظ‚ط¨ظ„ ط¹ط§ظ…طŒ ط¨ظ„ ط¨ط§ط¯ط± ط¹ظ„ظ…ط§ط، ط§ظ„ط¯ظٹظ† ظˆط´ظٹظˆط® ط§ظ„ط¹ط´ط§ط¦ط± ظپظ…ظ„ط¤ظˆط§ ط§ظ„ظپط±ط§ط؛ ط§ظ„ط³ظٹط§ط³ظٹ ظˆط¹ظٹظ†ظˆط§ ظ…ط³ط¤ظˆظ„ظٹظ† ظ„طھط³ظٹظٹط± ظƒط§ظپط© ط´ط¤ظˆظ† ط§ظ„ط­ظٹط§ط© ط¨ظ…ط§ ظپظٹظ‡ط§ ط§ظ„ط´ط±ط·ط© ظˆط§ظ„ط´ط¤ظˆظ† ط§ظ„ط¨ظ„ط¯ظٹط©.

ط§ط®طھط§ط± ظˆط¬ظ‡ط§ط، ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط£ط­ط¯ ط£ط¨ظ†ط§ط¦ظ‡ط§ ظˆظ‡ظˆ ظ…ظ‡ط¯ظٹ ط§ظ„ظƒط¨ظٹط³ظٹ ط§ظ„ط°ظٹ ط§ط³طھظ‚ط¯ظ…ظˆظ‡ ظ…ظ† ط¨ط؛ط¯ط§ط¯ ظپظ‚ط¨ظ„ ط±ط¦ط§ط³ط© ط§ظ„ط¨ظ„ط¯ظٹط© ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط£ظ† ظٹظƒظˆظ† ط°ظ„ظƒ ط¨طµظˆط±ط© ظ…ط¤ظ‚طھط©.

ظƒط§ظ† ط¶ظ…ظ† ط®ط·ط© ط£ظ‡ظ„ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط© ط¹ط±ط¶ ط®ط·ط© ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒط§ظ† ظˆظ‡ظٹ ط§ظ„ط³ظ„ظ… ظ…ظ‚ط§ط¨ظ„ ط£ظ† ظ„ط§ ظٹط¯ط®ظ„ظˆط§ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط©طŒ ظˆظ‚ط¨ظ„ ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒط§ظ† ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ط± ط­ط³ط¨ ط±ظˆط§ظٹط© ط§ظ„ظƒط¨ظٹط³ظٹ ط§ظ„ط°ظٹ ظƒط§ظ† ط´ط§ظ‡ط¯ ط¹ظٹط§ظ†. ظ„ظƒظ†ظ‡ ظٹط¶ظٹظپ ظپظٹ ط­ظˆط§ط± ظ…ط¹ ط§ظ„ط¬ط²ظٹط±ط© ظ†طھ ط£ظ† ط§ظ„ظ…ط­طھظ„ ظ‚ط§ظ… ط¨ط¹ط¯ ط£ط³ط¨ظˆط¹ ط¨ط¹ط±ط¶ ظ‚ظˆط© ظپظٹ ط´ظˆط§ط±ط¹ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط© ط¨ط¯ظˆط±ظٹط§طھ ط±ط§ط¬ظ„ط© ظˆطھظˆط¬ ط°ظ„ظƒ ط¨ط§ط³طھظ‚ط±ط§ط± 120 ظ…ظ† ط¬ظ†ظˆط¯ظ‡ ظپظٹ ط¥ط­ط¯ظ‰ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ط§ط±ط³ ط¨ظٹظ† ط§ظ„ط¨ظٹظˆطھ.

ظˆط«ط§ط±طھ ظ†ط®ظˆط© ط§ظ„ظ‚ظˆظ… ظپطھط¸ط§ظ‡ط±ظˆط§ ط³ظ„ظ…ط§ ظٹط·ط§ظ„ط¨ظˆظ† ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ† ط¨ط§ظ„ط¬ظ„ط§ط، ظˆظپط§ط، ط¨ط¹ظ‡ط¯ ظ‚ط·ط¹ظˆظ‡ ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط£ظ†ظپط³ظ‡ظ…طŒ ظˆط±ط¯ ط§ظ„ظ…ط­طھظ„ظˆظ† –ط­ط³ط¨ ط±ظˆط§ظٹط© ط§ظ„ظƒط¨ظٹط³ظٹ- ط¨ظ‚طµظپ ظ‚طھظ„ ظپظٹظ‡ ط«ظ„ط§ط«ط© ظ…طھط¸ط§ظ‡ط±ظٹظ†. ظˆط§ظ†ط·ظ„ظ‚طھ ط´ط±ط§ط±ط© ط§ظ„ظ…ظ‚ط§ظˆظ…ط© ظپظ‚طµظپ ظ…ظ‚ط± ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ† ظپظٹ ط°ظ„ظƒ ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ط§ط، ظˆظ‚طھظ„ ط³ط¨ط¹ط© ط­ط³ط¨ ط±ظˆط§ظٹط© ط´ظ‡ظˆط¯ ط¹ظٹط§ظ† ظˆط§ط¹طھط±ظپ ط§ظ„ظ…ط­طھظ„ظˆظ† ط¨ط¬ط±ط­ ط³ط¨ط¹ط©.

ط§ظ„ط³ظƒط§ظ† طھط¹ظ‡ط¯ظˆط§ ط£ظ† طھظƒظˆظ† ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†طھظ‡ظ… ظ…ظ‚ط¨ط±ط© ظ„ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹظٹظ†

ظˆظٹط±ظپط¶ ط§ظ„ظƒط¨ظٹط³ظٹ "ظ…ط²ط§ط¹ظ… ط§ظ„ظ‚ط§ط¦ظ„ظٹظ† ط¨ط£ظ† طھط­ط±ظƒ ط§ظ„ظ…ظ‚ط§ظˆظ…ط© ط¬ط§ط، ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط®ظ„ظپظٹط© ط­ط±ظ…ط§ظ† ط£ط¨ظ†ط§ط¦ظ‡ط§ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ…طھظٹط§ط²ط§طھ ط¹ظ‡ط¯ طµط¯ط§ظ….. ظپط§ظ„ط£ظ†ط¨ط§ط± ظ„ظ… طھط­ط¸ ظپظٹ ط¹ظ‡ط¯ ط§ظ„ط¨ط¹ط« ط¨ط؛ظٹط± ط§ظ„ظ‚طھظ„ ظˆط§ظ„ط§ط¹طھظ‚ط§ظ„.. ظˆظ…ظ‚ط§ظˆظ…ط© ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ط§ظ†ط·ظ„ظ‚طھ ظ‚ط¨ظ„ طھظ‚ط³ظٹظ… ط§ظ„ظƒط¹ظƒط© ظˆظ…ط¹ط±ظپط© ط£ظ†طµط¨ط© ط§ظ„ط·ظˆط§ط¦ظپ ظˆط§ظ„ظ‚ظˆظ…ظٹط§طھ ظپظٹ ط­ظƒظˆظ…ط© ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„طŒ ظپظ„ط§ ظ…ط¬ط§ظ„ ظ„ط±ط¨ط·ظ‡ط§ ط¨ط­ط¸ظˆط¸ ظ…ظ† ط±ط¶ظٹ ط¹ظ†ظ‡ظ… ط§ظ„ط­ط§ظƒظ… ط§ظ„ط£ظ…ظٹط±ظƒظٹ ط¨ظˆظ„ ط¨ط±ظٹظ…ط±".

ظˆظٹظ…ط¶ظٹ ط§ظ„ظƒط¨ظٹط³ظٹ ظ„ظٹط¤ظƒط¯ ط£ظ† ط­ظ‚ط§ط¦ظ‚ ط§ظ„طھط¯ظٹظ† ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ط­ط§ظپط¸ط© ط§ظ„ط³ط§ط¦ط¯ط© ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¯ظٹظ†ط© طھط¬ط¹ظ„ظ‡ط§ ط¹طµظٹط© ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط£ظٹ ظ…ط­طھظ„ ظ…طھط­ط¯ظٹط© ظ„ظƒظ„ ط؛ط±ظٹط¨ "ظˆظ„ظ† طھظ†ط¬ط­ ظ‚ظˆط§طھ ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„ ظپظٹ ظƒط³ط¨ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¹ط±ظƒط© ط¥ظ„ط§ ط¥ط°ط§ ط§ط¨طھط¹ط¯طھ ط¹ظ† ط§ظ„ظپظ„ظˆط¬ط© ظˆطھط±ظƒطھ ط£ظ‡ظ„ظ‡ط§ ظٹط¹ظٹط´ظˆظ† ظپظٹ ط³ظ„ط§ظ…".

ظ„ط§ ظٹط±ظپط¶ ط§ظ„ط±ط¬ظ„ ط§ظ„ط°ظٹ ط§ط³طھظ‚ط§ظ„ ظ…ظ† ط±ط¦ط§ط³ط© ط§ظ„ط¨ظ„ط¯ظٹط© ط¨ط¹ط¯ ط³طھط© ط£ط´ظ‡ط± ظ…ظ† ط§ط³طھظ„ط§ظ…ظ‡ط§ ط§ظ„طھط¹ط§ظ…ظ„ ظ…ط¹ ط§ظ„ط§ط­طھظ„ط§ظ„ ظ„ظƒظ†ظ‡ ظٹط±ظپط¶ ط§ظ„طھط¹ط§ظˆظ† ظ…ط¹ظ‡ "ط¥ط° ط¥ظ† ط§ظ„ظ†ط§ط³ ظٹط­طھط§ط¬ظˆظ† ظپظٹ ط­ظٹط§طھظ‡ظ… ط§ظ„ظٹظˆظ…ظٹط© ظ„ظ„طھط¹ط§ظ…ظ„ ظ…ط¹ ط§ظ„ظ…ط­طھظ„ ظ„ظƒظ† ط§ظ„طھط¹ط§ظˆظ† ط®ظٹط§ظ†ط©.. ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ظ‚ط§ظˆظ…ط© ط­ظ‚ ظ…ط´ط±ظˆط¹ ظˆظ‚ط¯ ط¨ط§طھطھ ط§ظ„ظٹظˆظ… ط£ط­ط³ظ† طھظƒطھظٹظƒط§ ظˆط£ظ‚ظˆظ‰ طھط®ط·ظٹط·ط§ ظˆط£ظƒط«ط± ظˆط¹ظٹط§ ط¨ظ…ط§ طھط±ظٹط¯".

ط¨ظٹط§ظ† ظ…ظ† ظ‡ظٹط¦ط© ط¹ظ„ظ…ط§ط، ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ظ„ظ…ظٹظ† ط§ظ„ط³ظ†ط©

ط¨ظٹط§ظ† ظ…ظ† ظ‡ظٹط¦ط© ط¹ظ„ظ…ط§ط، ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ظ„ظ…ظٹظ† ط§ظ„ط³ظ†ط©

ط¨ط³ظ… ط§ظ„ظ„ظ‡ ط§ظ„ط±ط­ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط±ط­ظٹظ…

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"At Least 97 Iraqis Killed In Fallujah, 40 In Ramadi":

Click here and watch the US offensive


Strategic defeat of the USA : A realistic Posibility

Is Failure Now an Option? - by Pat Buchanan: "What Fallujah and the Shi'ite attacks Sunday tell us is that failure is now an option. We have not pacified the Sunni Triangle. In towns like Fallujah, Americans are at greater risk than Israelis in Gaza. Even before the radical Shi'ites clashed with our troops in Baghdad, geostrategist Anthony Cordesman was warning that defense officials were telling him, 'New combatants are emerging as fast as we kill or capture the old ones.'
But if the Iraqi resistance is recruiting fighters faster than we kill or capture them, and Shi'ites are joining the resistance, and we are drawing down our troop levels and handing over power to Iraqis, how do we win?
We cannot. Either we accept the possibility of defeat, or adopt the McCain option: more boots on the ground, more divisions in Iraq."

Al-Sadr: 'I will die to see Iraq free'

'I will die to see Iraq free' :

Imam Muqtada al-Sadr left the sanctuary of a mosque in Kufa for the holy city of Najaf where he issued a statement urging his followers to fight the coalition.

'America has shown its evil intentions, and the proud Iraqi people cannot accept it. They must defend their rights by any means they see fit,' Sadr said in a statement.

Sheikh Qays al-Khaz’ali, said yesterday that the Al-Sadr had moved to his main office, in the nearby city of Najaf.

Dozens of armed militiamen were outside the Najaf office yesterday, located in a small alley near Shiism’s holiest site, the golden-domed shrine of Imam Ali. The black-garbed gunmen, some carrying rocket-propelled grenade launchers, crowded the narrow alley and roamed nearby streets. There was no way to confirm reports that Sadr was inside.

Asked if Sadr will resist if US forces come to arrest him, Sheikh Khaz’ali replied: "God forbid if this happens, al-Sadr will win martyrdom". Sheikh Khaz’ali quoted Sadr as saying: "My fate will be either assassination or arrest."

A move from Kufa to Najaf would be an unusual move. Sadr is widely unpopular in Najaf, where most Shiites support older, more moderate clerics. By contrast, his al-Mahdi army has been in virtual control of Kufa since Sunday, holding the police station and patrolling the streets. The main mosque in Kufa has high, fortress-like walls.

In a statement released earlier by his office, Sadr said he was moving to avoid bloodshed in the Kufa mosque. "I feared that the sanctity of a glorious and esteemed mosque would be violated by scum and evil people," he said. The Americans "will have no qualms to embark on such actions". "I have pledged not to allow a drop of blood to be shed except my own," Sadr said. "I’m prepared to have my own blood shed for what is holy to me."

He also denounced the US president, George Bush, who said on Monday that Sadr wanted to wreck democracy in Iraq.

"I would like to direct my words to the father of evil, Bush," Sadr said. "Who is against democracy? Is it the one who calls for peaceful resistance or the one who bombs people, sheds their blood and leads them away from the leaders under feeble and dirty pretexts?"

all the mosques, Sunni and Shi'a alike, are calling for Jihad...

Antiwar.com Blog: "all the mosques, Sunni and Shi'a alike, are calling for Jihad..."

Yankee Soldiers invading Iraqi Homes and Neighbourhoods

"they show up unannounced "

"they show up unannounced"

Pirates and mercenaries passtime in US illegally occupied Kirkuk , iraq

Pirates and mercenaries passtime in US illegally occupied Kirkuk , Iraq:

" Pirates and mercenaries passtime in US illegally occupied Kirkuk , Iraq - Kirkuk Air Base"

After killing the little girls fathers

Yankee soldier in the girls classroom:

"Sgt. Anthony Gains from Logistics Support Area Anaconda, hands out backpacks loaded with pencils, notebooks, crayons, rulers and other supplies to Iraqi schoolchildren in the town of Al Rafae, Iraq, April 1, 2004. Pepperdine University, Calif., students and Office Depot donated the supplies to more than 400 schoolchildren during a Back to School campaign. DoD photo by Staff. Sgt Aaron D. Allmon II, U.S. Air Force. "

Blackwater !

DefenseLINK News: U.S. Firm Mourns Slain Employees: "According to news reports, three of the contractors were Scott Helvenston, Jerko 'Jerry' Zovko and Michael Teague. All are reportedly U.S. military veterans. The name of the fourth victim has not been made public.
Blackwater spokesman Steve Capace acknowledged today that that company would not release the victims' names and noted that the media had obtained information from families and other sources.
Capace pointed out that Blackwater has established a memorial fund for the deceased contractors.
During an April 1 Coalition Provisional Authority press conference in Baghdad, CPA chief spokesman Dan Senor told reporters that Blackwater had a government contract to provide security for CPA administrator Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III.
'They are involved with protecting Ambassador Bremer,' Senor remarked, adding, 'They are, obviously, not the only institution that is involved with his security.'
The four contractors were attacked by insurgents while escorting a food convoy driving through the restive town of Fallujah. After being killed, the contractors' bodies were horrifically debased by an irate Iraqi crowd.
Although U.S. forces didn't immediately respond to what Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt cited as 'bestial' treatment of the contractors, the general told reporters at the April 1 briefing that 'we will be back in Fallujah.'"

Iraqis and they are working along the line of Zarqawi and his group?

DoD News: Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing: "people from Fallujah; people who perhaps may have belonged to the Fedayeen Saddam, perhaps belonged to the Iraqi intelligence service, perhaps part of the inner circle of Saddam's privileged few. "

A yankee general is very relaxed as he lies to his teeth in the pentagon

Lies of the pentagon : Not knowing what Blackwater does in Iraq !

DoD News: Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing: "I will let individual contractors speak for themselves on the clients they have inside Iraq. My understanding is Blackwater has more than one. But again, I would have you contact them to get that information. I certainly do not have it.

They -- we do have a contract with Blackwater, with -- relating to Ambassador Bremer's security. They are involved with protecting Ambassador Bremer. They are, obviously, not the only institution that is involved with his security."

Pentagon Contract of Mercenaries in Iraq - 1

DoD News: Contracts For September 16, 2002: "Blackwater Lodge*, Moyock, N.C., is being awarded an estimated $35,667,512 indefinite-delivery and indefinite-quantity, multiple award, delivery order contract for turnkey and instructor-only force protection training that includes force protection fundamental training; shipboard security engagement weapons training; visit, board, search and seizure training; armed sentry course training; and law enforcement training. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Va. (78 percent); San Diego (15 percent); and San Antonio (seven percent), and is to be completed by September 2007. Contract funds in the amount of $38,668 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured under an electronic request for proposals, with one proposal solicited and six offers received. The Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando, Fla., is the contracting activity (N61339-02-D-0015). "

DoD News: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz : not going to be any difference ... on July 1st

DoD News: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Stakeout Following Operations and Intelligence Brief: "it's a chance to make a very important point that is poorly understood, not only here, but sometimes in Iraq and it's very important to understand it correctly. There's not going to be any difference in our military posture on July 1st from what it is on June 30th, except that we will be there then at the invitation of a sovereign Iraqi government, which I am quite sure will want us to stay there until killers like the ones who perpetrated these atrocities in Fallujah are brought under control."

How much more clearly can a colonialist define colonialism !

Muslim Rivals Unite In Baghdad Uprising

Muslim Rivals Unite In Baghdad Uprising (washingtonpost.com):

"Muslim Rivals Unite In Baghdad Uprising "

Mandrakesoft Exits Bankruptcy

Mandrakelinux : friendly Linux operating system for both servers and desktop:

"March 30th, 2004 - Mandrakesoft Exits Bankruptcy - 'Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated' (Mark Twain). The whole Mandrakelinux community can enjoy these words! Today the Commerce Court accepted Mandrakesoft's exit plan from 'redressement judiciaire' (Chapter 11 like protection). The plan was approved as proposed by the company and its court appointed administrator, and it means the return to normal operations for Mandrakesoft after a 14 month observation period"

Palestinians love Mel Gibson's film

Aljazeera.Net - Palestinians love Mel Gibson's film:

Mel Gibson's controversial film, The Passion of the Christ, is all the rage among Palestinians, curious about complaints by Jews that it is anti-Semitic.

Meanwhile, local distributors in Israel are shunning the film, which Jewish groups say demonises Jews by depicting them as pressuring the Romans into crucifying Jesus.

The film has banked more than $315 million since its release in February.

Only one per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are Christians while the other 99% are Muslims, who revere Jesus as a prophet but do not believe he was crucified. Moreover, the portrayal of a prophet in a film is forbidden in Islam.

Pirated copies
"People are calling me from everywhere in the West Bank –from Bethlehem, Hebron, Ram Allah and Nablus - to ask for copies of the movie," said the owner of a Gaza city video shop, which sells pirated copies of new release movies.

The Passion of the Christ has outsold other Hollywood blockbusters in Gaza and the West Bank's pirated video market, including Matrix Revolutions and The Last Samurai.

Israel cold
In Israel, the local agent for the film's international distributor Icon Entertainment said it passed on its option to show The Passion of the Christ, but declined to specify its reasons other than to say the movie was "sensitive".

Industry insiders in Israel say local distributors are not interested in the film because of allegations it is anti-Semitic and for expected lukewarm audience response.

Jewish groups and some Roman Catholic clerics have expressed concern the film could foment anti-Jewish attacks.

Palestinian President Yasir Arafat watched a preview of the film at his West Bank headquarters earlier this month. Aides said he found the film "moving".

6 Death sentences for Islamic prisoners in Jordan

Eleven Libyan, Syrian, Palestinian and Jordanian Islamists had been charged. Their trial began in the military State Security Court 10 months ago.

The five in custody, including the Libyan national, told the court their guilty confessions had been extracted under duress.

Two of the accused produced witnesses who testified the men were not at the crime scene when Foley was killed.
: "Eleven Libyan, Syrian, Palestinian and Jordanian Islamists had been charged. Their trial began in the military State Security Court 10 months ago.
The five in custody, including the Libyan national, told the court their guilty confessions had been extracted under duress.
Two of the accused produced witnesses who testified the men were not at the crime scene when Foley was killed.
Last week, authorities said they arrested several suspects who had entered the kingdom from Syria to carry out attacks against government ministries and other targets. At least three others in the latest alleged plot are still at large. "

Foley served for 25 years as a senior official of the USAid program, and was suspected to have been a senior CIA officer in the Middle East.


Singapore ends military presence in Iraq with return of airforce crew

Catcha Singapore - News: "Singapore ends military presence in Iraq with return of airforce crew "

Singapore ends military presence in Iraq with return of airforce crew
SINGAPORE, April 5 (AFP) - Singapore no longer has a military presence in Iraq after the last of its troops returned home on Monday from a two-month stint in the war-torn country, the government said.

Thirty-one Singaporean Armed Forces personnel and a C-130 transport plane were deployed on February 4 to help the US-led forces in Iraq conduct supply and humanitarian aid delivery missions.

With the expiry of the scheduled two-month deployment, a first batch of troops returned to Singapore with the C-130 on Sunday while a second group arrived home aboard commercial flights on Monday.

"With the return of the troops today, we have no more personnel in the Gulf," defence ministry spokeswoman Felicia Tang told AFP in an e-mailed response to questions.

The crew, which previously had never experienced a hostile environment, came under fire on about one quarter of the sorties flown in Iraq, the Straits Times newspaper said on Monday.

"This was by far the riskiest exercise we undertook and the first time we were operating in a non-benign area," contingent leader Major Francis Ngooi, who returned on Sunday, said.

Singapore has consistently shown a strong commitment to the United States in its campaign in Iraq, giving strong political and limited military support.

Aside from the C-130 crew, 160 personnel on a landing ship tank returned to Singapore in February after two months in the Gulf and 32 Singaporean police personnel were deployed last year to train the local police force.

Tang was non-committal, however, when asked if Singapore intended to send more military personnel to help the United States in Iraq.

"We will continue to evaluate in what way we can play a useful and meaningful role in the reconstruction of Iraq," she said via e-mail.

"What we contribute will also have to take into account our resource situation."

Speaking with yankee arrogance

Daily Comet: "'We cannot allow this problem to fester indefinitely,' Khalilzad told about 100 people at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.

'We have told the Pakistani leadership that either they must solve this problem or we will have to do it for ourselves"

Biggest gang of criminals in history

Crunch time for Special Ops forces | csmonitor.com: "biggest deployment in history."

Alpha Company, forced the two men to jump into the Tigris River

That night, Rudesheim said, an infantry patrol picked up two Iraqi men on curfew violations. "For no explicable reason," he said, soldiers in the patrol, from the battalion's Alpha Company, forced the two men to jump into the Tigris River.


"It's a little like the French colonel in 'The Battle of Algiers,' ' he said, referring to the 1965 film about the Algerian uprising against French colonial rule. That is, he explained, the French officer said, ' 'You're all complaining about the tactics I am using to win the war, but that is what I am doing -- winning the war.' "


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أرشيف المدونة الإلكترونية